Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fall Camp: What's in the bag?

Whenever a Wildcat gets a ding or suffers a serious injury the first people on the scene is the athletic training staff. They've been taking great care of the 'Cats players for years and are vital to keeping the 'Cats nice and healthy during the team's respective season.

An athletic trainer is pretty easy to spot on the sideline because each of them carry a trainer's bag around their waist. Don't call it a "fanny pack" because that might lead to a roll of tape getting chucked at your head but these "bags" carry many of the tricks of the trade.

So we decided to ask Linfield head athletic training Tara Lepp "What's in the bag?".


Anonymous said...

Now that's some good info baby!!!
Haven't heard a reference to cooties lately but it certainly isn't something anybody wants. Good reason to pack along some PPDs (personal protective devices)
Next time I get a word in with Tara I'm gonna find out the the obvious question. Oh come on, do I have to say it?
Alright then...
"What the heck is butt paste?"

Anonymous said...

Nobody wants cooties. Tara was a great sport and I put her on the spot.

Butt paste? I don't know but I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with plumber's crack.

Anonymous said...

Tara was a good sport even with the cooty kidding.

Oh yeah....
"Retired Louisiana pharmacist George Boudreaux has a healthy bottom line -- thanks to Boudreaux's Butt Paste.

He developed the concoction as a treatment for diaper rash. But Boudreaux's Butt Paste has plenty of grown-up fans. He said it's good for chapped lips, skin and heat rashes, and jock itch, too."

Hint: If you are from Willamette, you do not need to wash your hands after applying Butt Paste to jock itch before applying to chapped lips.